LPG 45kg Bottle Installation Guide and FAQ’s

The New Zealand LPGA is a useful source of information about Home LPG installations. You can find their site at www.gasnz.org.nz

We have taken a few important documents from their site for easy reference:

Once you have your bottled LPG installation in place, or if you have just moved into a house with bottled LPG, one of the great mystery’s will be when to order and how long your bottles will last. How long your bottles will last is a very good question, without an exact answer. The LPGA info above gives the math so you can work it out for your situation, but as a very rough guide, two people, hot water and cooking only might get 8-12 weeks from a bottle in summer and 6-8 weeks in winter. The length of your showers and the size of your califont will impact this very rough guide.

Genesis Energy have a nice guide on how to know when to order. You can find their site at https://www.genesisenergy.co.nz/bottled-gas

We have also added a direct link to their video here: Genesis how to know when to order LPG

Genesis also have an FAQ’s page that you might find interesting. Genesis Bottled Gas FAQ’s

If you have any questions or concerns about your LPG installation then do not hestitate to contact us.