Bobs Gas and Cylinder Services test, recharge and service a full range of domestic and industrial fire extinguishers from Wormald, Chubb, Firesafe, Firewatch, Eversafe and Ansul. These include Dry Powder, Carbon Dioxide, Foam spray, Wet Chemical, Water and cartridge types. Our dry powder recharge is with ABC70 dry powder and we can supply other specialised powders upon request.
Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers are primarily aimed at the petro-chemical industry sector, but are also available as a cost efficient option for a general purpose extinguisher for fires involving wood derivatives, such as plastics, oils, liquids, solvents, gases and electrical energised equipment. This type of extinguisher would be suitable for fires in your house, garage, boat, car and caravan.
Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers are specifically suited to areas containing electronic devices such as computers and switchboards. Its major advantage is that it is a naturally occurring gas that does not require cleaning up after us. Ideal in offices and workshops.
Foam Spray Fire Extinguishers form a film which prevents the release of fuel vapours while forming a foam blanket that excludes oxygen. As it is an aqueous extinguishing agent, it also cools the affected areas it comes into contact with. Effective for fires involving paper, textiles, wood, plastic, rubber, petrol, oil and paints.
Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers are principally an alkali salt solution, containing a chemical agent recommended and extremely effective on fires involving fats and cooking oils. The wet chemical physically reacts with the oil/fat creating a blanket to extinguish the fire.
Burnstop Fire Extinguishers are intended to be used on fires of carbonaceous materials such as wood, paper, straw, textiles, plastic, coal, etc that carbonize as they burn resulting in glowing embers. They are also suitable for fires involving burning liquids such as petrol, oils, solvents, grease, paint or tar and for fires involving fats and cooking oils.
Water Fire Extinguishers are effective against fires involving paper, textiles, wood, plastics, rubber, petrol, oil and paints.
How many fire extinguishers do I need?
You should have a fire extinguisher to cover each fire hazard area. Typically, fire hazard areas include the kitchen, laundry, barbeque, garage, car, caravan and boat.
Where should I keep a fire extinguisher?
In the home, caravan, motorhome and boat, Fire Extinguishers should be stored close to an exit. That way, if the fire gets out of control, you can still exit safely.
For your car, why not copy what rally and racing car drivers have done for years, by storing a Fire Extinguisher in a secured bracket on the floor, just in front of the driver’s seat. This will assist in providing easy access to the extinguisher, should a fire occur, within your vehicle.
If in doubt, refer to the users manual or contact your local Fire Brigade.
What are the different classes of fire?
Class A – Fires that involve wood, cloth, paper, most plastics, rubber & textiles
Class B – Fires that involve flammable and combustible liquids i.e. petrol, oil, grease & paints
Class E – Fires that involve electrical energised equipment
ABE – Is classified as a multipurpose extinguisher so can be used on all 3 classes of fires. However, it is not recommended for use on fat fires in the kitchen – only use a fire blanket or a BE rated extinguisher to put out cooking oil & fat fires.
BE – Can only be used on class B & E fires, not suited for class A fires. Best use for a BE extinguisher is in the kitchen & garage.
ABE & BE – Are suitable to use on or around electrical fires as the extinguishing agent is non-conductive.
In the event of a fire
Dial 111 for the fire service