Cylinder Compliance

Cylinder testing
Gas cylinder test periods have been defined by the gas traffic or type of gas in a cylinder. The cylinder manufacturer has produced a gas cylinder to an approved design. The design stipulates the parameters that the gas cylinder can be used within. These limitations include such things as the pressure a cylinder can be filled to and the pressure it must be tested to, also the test intervals and any periodic tests it may be required to pass.

The legal requirements in New Zealand for filling and testing a cylinder are prescribed in the “Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act” and the set of regulatory controls below it. The compressed gases regulations list all the requirements for a gas cylinder within New Zealand.

Test Periods required by the act

Gas TypePeriod for re-test
LPG – any application 10 years
Oxygen – up to 40 years of old (also see below)10 years
CO2 – cylinders 5 years
CO2 – Fire Extinguisher (except below)5 years
Dry Powder – Fire Extinguisher 5 years
Wet Chemical – Fire Extinguisher5 years
Foam – fire Extinguisher5 years
Water – Fire Extinguisher5 year
Oxygen – over 40 years of age5 years
Nitrogen – any application5 years
Argon – any application5 years
Air – (except below)5 years
SCBA – Aluminium cylinders FRP3 years
CO2 – Fire Extinguisher with shrunk foot rings 2 years
SCUBA – Hydrostatic test2 years
SCUBA – Visual test1 year